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Keith Simpson MP hands over a new community woodland

Keith Simpson, MP for Broadland officially handed over a new 12 acre community woodland by planting the 700th tree at our site, hus22 on Thursday 29th March 2012.

The new community woodland was created by us on the site of the former Littlewood House in Drayton, where we have built 22 highly sustainable new homes.

The woodland will be entrusted to the local community under the guidance of a local woodland trust, backed by a cash injection from us to enable its future maintenance.

As well as planting 700 new trees, we have provided new habitats for animals, including bat boxes, bird nesting boxes, locally sourced rockeries, hedgehog boxes and other places for reptiles and amphibians to inhabit, as well as invertebrate homes such as ladybird shelters.

Mr Simpson said, "This is a great example of what can be achieved when a local house builder works with local planners to create something very special. Not only are the homes here both stunning and sustainable, but Abel Homes has created a valuable community woodland which will be to the benefit of the environment, wildlife and local people. It goes to show that it is possible to create much-needed new homes while at the same time respecting and indeed improving the local environment."